



More people find jobs on Indeed than anywhere else. Indeed is the #1 job site in the world (Comscore, Total Visits, September 2022) and allows job seekers to search millions of jobs in more than 60 countries and 28 languages. Over 3 million employers use Indeed to find and hire new employees. More than 300 million unique visitors use Indeed each month to search for jobs, post resumes, research companies and more. For more information, visit

Integrating with Indeed optimizes the hiring process, improves the job seeker experience, and helps employers find their right hires, faster. When you opt-in to the Indeed integration, external jobs that you create or update in BambooHR are sent directly to Indeed via an XML feed. This ensures that your most up-to-date job content is available in their free* search results. Need to increase your job visibility or reach more quality candidates? Pay to promote your jobs postings on Indeed.

To learn more about how Indeed helps millions of job seekers and employers find the right fit every day, visit:

*Terms, conditions, quality standards and usage limits apply

ATS Sync for BambooHR

ATS Sync seamlessly transfers job and candidate data between BambooHR & Indeed, reducing the need for manual data entry and ensuring compliance. ATS Sync integrations allow you to easily access Indeed's tools with a simplified candidate experience that helps deliver up to 5 times more completed applications2


Streamline your hiring process by syncing job and candidate data between Indeed & your ATS

Make your ATS job listings work for you - Ensure job seekers view your most up-to-date listings on Indeed with jobs synced from the ATS

Accomplish more in less time - Recruiters spend less time switching between systems and performing manual data entry tasks

Get up to 5 times more completed applications by powering your jobs with Indeed Apply2
Simplified application process - A fully mobile-optimized experience lets job seekers complete a full application to all integrated jobs from any device

Higher completion rate- Job seekers easily complete a single job application and you get up to 5 times more completed applications2

Better candidate matching- Candidate’s disposition signals improve quality of candidates matched with jobs on Indeed

Indeed Apply Sync

Indeed Apply integration provides a candidate-friendly application experience on Indeed — boosting applications by up to 5x1. The Indeed Apply integration also drives convenience to the recruiters by standing out in search results and incremental impact by reducing costs by 20% for cost per apply for sponsored jobs2

Features & Benefits

1 Indeed Data (WW), Tracking on non Indeed Apply applications may be limited

2 Indeed data (US)

Demo Video


How it works.

This integration is automatically enabled and no action is required from the client to support job delivery to Indeed.

What data syncs?

BambooHR Field
Sync Direction
Indeed Field
Job Posting XML Feed
Job Posting XML Feed
Candidate Full Name
First Name, Last Name
Candidate Phone Number
Candidate Email
Candidate Resume
Candidate Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Candidate Address
Address Line 1
Candidate Address City
Candidate Address State
Candidate Address Zip
Zip Code
Candidate Address Country
Candidate Highest Education
Education Level
Candidate Twitter Username
Twitter Username
Candidate LinkedIn URL
LinkedIn URL
Candidate College
Education Institution Name
Candidate Date Available
Date Available
Candidate Website URL
Website URL
Candidate Referred By
Referred By
Candidate Desired Salary
Desired Salary
Candidate References
Application References
Candidate Gender
Candidate Ethnicity
Candidate Veteran Status
Veteran Status
Candidate Disability



Updated: 02/12/2019

Phone Support:

(866) 387-9595

Email Support:

[email protected]

Support Hours:

6:00AM - 6:00 PM MT

Monday - Friday