





Lead with heart.

Make space for real talk.

Officevibe is an app for businesses that helps them tackle team challenges and amplify strengths. Why? So your teams can do their best work, and you can build the work relationships we all want: tight, collaborative, and thriving.

Officevibe is right for you if you’re:

Growing fast

Officevibe tells you exactly how your growing workforce

is doing – so you never lose touch with your people or what makes your business special.

In need of cultural maintenance

Officevibe points out frictions and challenges – so you

can make the changes your culture needs.

A remote or distributed workforce

Officevibe makes it easy for teams to tell managers what they need – no matter where they are.

Pulse Surveys

Give your team a safe space to share their thoughts with 2-minute, anonymous weekly surveys.

Anonymous Feedback

Employees provide anonymous written feedback in each survey, opening up discussions you wouldn’t have otherwise.

1-on-1 templates

Prep 1-on-1s in no time with agenda templates based on popular 1-on-1 topics.

Shared Agenda

Set your 1-on-1 agenda together with your employee, so you both come to every meeting prepared.


How it works.

To ease onboarding, we’ve created an integration with BambooHR to allow you to invite your employees to Officevibe through BambooHR. The Daily Sync feature will also remove from Officevibe any employees who are no longer in your BambooHR account. This integration will allow Officevibe to get their emails, names, profile pictures and attributes.

What data syncs?

BambooHR Field
Sync Direction
Officevibe Field
Field Logic or Notes
Employee #
User ID
This is the identifying field for the integration. If no current user matches the Employee #, a new user is created.
Work Email
Business Email
First Name
First Name
Last Name
Last Name
Job Title
Job Title
This field is not directly mapped to another but is instead used to filter out inactive employees
Birth Date
Hire Date
Hire Date



Updated: 01/01/2019

Phone Support:

(855) 980-8423

Email Support:

[email protected]

Support Hours:

9:00 - 5:00 EST

Monday - Friday