HR Heroes Community

“It’s really nice to be able to connect and share…BambooHR does a really great job of incorporating us within our communities and allowing us to work with other HR professionals [to] navigate [the software] together.”

Missy Curran, Director of HR | Asphalt Engineering

Join the Community

An HR Community Just for You

This community is for you—BambooHR customers driven to make a difference in workplaces around the world. Connect with likeminded HR pros, share your individual stories, and join in the ongoing development of BambooHR® through one or more of the following programs we’ve created:

HR Heroes Slack Workspace

This is a space to talk shop and have real-time, constructive conversations with other HR Heroes.

Customer Virtual User Groups

Join a group of other BambooHR customers in your industry or area to connect and share best practices about all things HR.

BambooHR Champion Program

Share stories and experiences from your journey to do great work to help other HR pros and business leaders know what it’s like using our software.

BambooHR Product Insider Program

Get access to new features before we release them, participate in product surveys and research, and provide feedback to help us make BambooHR even better.