Deduction Offset Communication
We are excited to announce a Payroll update that provides more clarity around benefit deduction schedules. When creating or editing a benefit plan, you can now preview deduction dates based on your selections within the Payroll Deduction step. This update simplifies the process of fixing incorrect deduction setups and makes managing payroll deductions more transparent, setting you free to do great work.
The preview feature displays a clear and easy-to-understand illustration that you can use as reference at any time. It includes specific deduction start and end dates for each pay schedule you have set up in your account, eliminating the guesswork and ensuring you can plan accurately without any overlaps.
In addition to the preview feature, we have added more flexibility to the process of editing the deduction rule under “When should this benefit deduction start in payroll?” To help you save time, the deduction rule will now be editable up to the first payroll deduction approval for that specific benefit plan.
As always, we love your feedback! To provide product feedback on this feature and more, head over to our product feedback page and let us know how we’re doing.