New Access Level Settings for the Pay Info Tab

We have some exciting news to share with you! We have added additional new features in BambooHR to provide you with more control over the visibility of pay information for your users.

You now have access to additional Access Level settings for the Pay Info Tab, allowing for more granular control over what pay information is viewable by users.

Here are the details of the new Access Level settings for the Pay Info Tab:

To access these new settings, follow these steps: Settings > Access Levels > Access Level Settings > Pay Info Tab > What Can People with this Access Level See? > Pay Info.

We believe that these additional Access Level settings will greatly enhance your control over pay information visibility and provide a more tailored experience within BambooHR. As always, we love your feedback! To provide product feedback on this feature and more, head over to our product feedback page and let us know how we’re doing.