Project Pay Rates added to BambooHR Payroll

We are excited to introduce the ability to process multiple pay rates for your employees! With Project Pay Rates, you can now set up and track various pay rates per hourly employee through Project Tracking and automatically sync them into BambooHR Payroll. To maximize this feature, ensure you add the Project Pay Rates table on the Job tab and assign appropriate pay rates to your employees.

Create Projects using Project Tracking

Setting up projects is a breeze. Project Tracking is accessible to all customers on the Settings page under Employee Fields or in Time Tracking for those with the Time Tracking add-on. When creating or editing projects, simply mark the projects you want to include in payroll with "Break out in payroll." This allows hours tracked to automatically sync into BambooHR Payroll.

Projects/tasks syncing to Payroll will have a money icon next to the Project name on the Project Settings page, indicating that it is syncing to payroll.

Assign Pay Rates to Employees

You can add and manage pay rates through the Project Pay Rates table, located under "Edit Fields" on the employee record. This feature adheres to standard job tab rules and access levels, ensuring consistency and ease of use. Once you've added Project Pay Rates, you can assign employees to unlimited projects and/or tasks and set specific pay rates for each.

Flexible Time Tracking Options

Time can be tracked in three ways, all syncing seamlessly to Payroll:

  1. Timesheets using BambooHR Time Tracking
  2. Hours Importer
  3. Hours API

For those using BambooHR Time Tracking, employees can directly track time to specific projects on their timesheets. Approved timesheets will automatically save any associated Projects and Tasks.

Alternatively, add hours via the Hours Importer within BambooHR Settings or using the Hours API, ensuring project/task names are accurately matched to those set up on the employee's Job Tab.

Run Payroll - Edit Page

Employees' rates established on the Job Tab will automatically sync into payroll with the Time Tracking add-on. Employee's rates established on the Job Tab will automatically sync into Payroll with project hours added through BambooHR Time Tracking or the Hours Importe.. The edit page allows for easy additions or modifications to pay rates and hours if adjustments are necessary.


Paystubs have been enhanced to display each project/task's hours, corresponding pay rate, paycheck total, and year-to-date totals. Providing employees with a clear breakdown of their earnings for each project/task.

Payroll Reporting

We've introduced a new Excel report in the "Other Reports" section of "Payroll Reports" titled "Wages & Hours by Project and Task." This addition enhances the flexibility and detail of your payroll reporting.

Additionally, we’ve updated the "Hours Input" report has been updated to display employees' hours by project and task. The "Payroll Register" and "Payroll Register w/ Hours" reports now include project/task information in the Wage section when applicable.

We are excited to offer increased flexibility in how you compensate your employees based on their diverse roles, projects, and tasks within your organization.

As always, we love your feedback! To provide product feedback on this feature and more, head over to our product feedback page and let us know how we’re doing.