Update for Including Employees in Payroll
In the past, TRAXPayroll looked at the Pay Date to try and determine which employees should be included for payroll. This meant that many of you have to rely on Remote Link to act as a way to hold back new employees added or employee data modifications if you wanted to prevent them from showing up in the current payroll run. Not only does this require extra work and effort for you, but it leaves the door open for errors and even employees missing paychecks in the future.
That’s why employees that have active effective dates for the following information, as of the Pay Cycle Start Date, will be included in payroll:
- Employment Status
- Demographic Data
- Wage Records
But how does this update work in real life? Below are some guidelines to help you understand how this update will be applied.
- If an employee has a wage or demographic record end, and a new record start within the pay period range, we will use the record that was effective at the beginning of the pay period for reference of which information to use in payroll.
- If an employee has multiple active wages due to job tracking, and also has wage or demographic records end and start within the pay period range, we will always use the record that was effective at the beginning of the pay period for reference of which information to use on the payroll.
- If an employee is terminated during a pay cycle but was active on the pay cycle start date, we will still include them in that payroll run.
- We will check for any new hire dates that fall within the current pay cycle to ensure new hires are not excluded from payroll if they start in the middle of a pay cycle. New hires must also have active wage and demographic effective dates to be included in the current payroll.