Update to Required Fields for TRAXPayroll Customers
We have changed what triggers the required fields for our TRAXPayroll customers. Instead of certain fields becoming required for all employees when an account is using the TRAXPayroll integration, only employees that need to be added to a Pay Schedule that syncs with TRAXPayroll will need to complete the required fields. This allows you to only have to fill out required fields for employees that actually need that information for payroll.
We have also changed the required fields for contractors so that you don’t have to supply the same information you would for an employee. If the employment status is set to Contractor the following tax-related fields will not be required for that individual:
- Federal Filing Status
- Federal Exemptions
- Exempt from Federal Taxes
- FICA Exempt
- FUTA Exempt
- Additional Federal Withholding Amount
- Additional Federal Withholding Type