How to Make Employees Feel Valued at Work

How to Make Employees Feel Valued at Work

We have a fundamental human need to feel valued, to feel appreciated, to feel like what we do matters. In HR we talk about “total rewards” or “rewards and recognition.” We may use all sorts of tactics to try to improve employee engagement but often overlook some of the most important elements. This ebook explores the deep human need to feel valued and how your organization can provide fulfilling experiences to meet that need for your employees.

With content from a recent webinar featuring Tim Low, SVP of Marketing at PayScale, and Rusty Lindquist, VP of Thought Leadership at BambooHR, this guide explores why feeling valued is the key to sustaining great work and high performance. It includes an overview of signals that indicate when employees don’t feel valued and concrete steps you can take to make sure that they do—no matter their job description.