Your Talent Acquisition Ecosystem: Managing the Employee Lifecycle

Your Talent Acquisition Ecosystem: Managing the Employee Lifecycle

Like many other victories, what happens in the recruiting process can make all the difference in what happens next year. Focusing on narrow recruiting wins can lead to hidden flaws in your new hires’ experience with your organization, flaws that lead to turnover and poor performance in the following months or years. Factoring in employee experience to your recruiting practices can help you avoid tradeoffs in productivity and the costs of repeating the hiring process after a bad hire.

In this ebook, we’ll explore the interplay between recruiting promises, compensation, and actual experience throughout the employee life cycle. We will discuss how short-sighted recruiting tactics can can damage your employee experience. Then, we’ll explore how pay and performance management practices impact employees’ experience. Last but not least, we’ll show some changes that can make a lasting difference in your recruiting ecosystem.