Are Your Performance Reviews Scary?

Traditional performance reviews have an NPS score of -60! Yikes!

Users of BambooHR Performance Management are more likely to indicate that they have positive performance reviews, compared to any other method. That means you don't have to be haunted by outdated and scary performance reviews.

BambooHR Performance Management produces higher engagement, more accurate reflections of employee performance, and more opportunities to address problems in the moment? Sounds scary good, doesn't it?

Schedule a demo today to see it in action!

See how BambooHR Performance Management can transform your performance reviews from scary to meaningful.

Don't be a scaredy-cat!


"With Performance Management, people get more actionable, relevant feedback and more kudos. It’s just opened up dialogue, and that’s the most important thing—that people are actually talking."

Becky Thompson, Director, Human Resources | Gravy Analytics