Summary Dismissal

What Is a Summary Dismissal of Employment?

A summary dismissal of employment is the immediate termination of an employee due to their behavior, the basis of which is gross misconduct. (This may also be called an instant dismissal.)

With a summary dismissal, the employee can be terminated without notice and without a payment in lieu of notice.

It’s important to outline the possible reasons for summary dismissal in the employee handbook, as well as in employment contracts. If these steps are not taken, an employee could argue that they had no reason to believe their actions would result in termination.

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What Are Fair Reasons for Summary Dismissal?

There are many fair and legal reasons for an employee’s summary dismissal. They include, but are not limited to:

Other behaviors that may constitute a fair reason for summary dismissal include, but are not limited to:

What Are the Grounds for Instant Dismissal?

Instant dismissal is just another term for summary dismissal or summary dismissal of employment. Therefore, the same gross misconduct criteria mentioned above apply.

When Is Summary Dismissal Unlawful?

When a summary dismissal is not triggered by gross misconduct, it may be unlawful. Types of behaviors that are unlikely to be considered lawful for summary dismissal include:

What Are the Procedures for a Summary Dismissal?

While firing someone “on the spot” is often depicted in movies and TV shows, a summary dismissal isn’t quite so instant. There are procedures for conducting a summary dismissal that should be followed in order to make it fair.

Here are the steps for proceeding with a summary dismissal:

  1. State your intention to issue a summary dismissal to a specific employee.
  2. Gather evidence of gross misconduct.
  3. Get statements from any witnesses.
  4. Ask the employee to attend a disciplinary hearing. Be sure an HR rep and/or union official is also present.
  5. Allow the employee to give a rebuttal.
  6. Make a final decision on whether or not the employee should be immediately terminated.
  7. Prepare and give a formal letter of termination that confirms the summary dismissal. It should include the reason for the termination, prior warnings and disciplinary actions (if any), the legal basis of gross misconduct, the termination date, and the right to appeal.

Following these steps will help you avoid some of the risks associated with summary dismissals. The two biggest risks include data security issues for both the employer and the dismissed employee, as well as an unfair or wrongful dismissal claim against the employer.

What Are the Different Types of Dismissals?

Dismissal vs. Summary Dismissal: What's the Difference?

A dismissal gives an employee statutory minimum notice—one week for each year of employment, up to twelve. Dismissal also calls for an employer to provide payment in lieu of a notice.

A summary dismissal is effective immediately and doesn’t have these caveats.
