10 Ways to Create a Positive Working Environment

Every workplace has a company culture—a shared set of values, beliefs, and attitudes that guide your organization. While some company cultures develop naturally, intentionally building a positive workplace culture can help you boost morale and create a thriving organization.

If you leave company culture to chance, you could end up stuck in a cycle of bad habits, negative perceptions, and a workforce that doesn’t stick around.

But what exactly is a positive work culture? And how do you create one? Read on to discover the answers to these all-important questions.

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What Is A Positive Work Culture?

Simply put, a positive work culture is one that cultivates collaboration, productivity, and satisfaction among employees.

This type of work environment can make showing up to work each day more enjoyable, which in turn can benefit your business in the long run.

What Factors Affect Company Culture Most?

Many factors can affect company culture, but the most impactful include:

Why Is A Positive Workplace Important?

A positive workplace affects your ability to attract, hire and retain top talent. And perhaps more importantly, workplace culture impacts the engagement and productivity of employees—both key players in your business’s bottom line.

In fact, 87% of survey respondents in a BambooHR study said culture significantly supports their business goals.

If an employee dreads going to work every day because their work environment is negatively impacting their mood, this may be reflected in their productivity, work quality, and interactions with coworkers. Alternatively, a positive working environment could lead to higher productivity, innovation, and employee growth.

What Are The Benefits Of A Positive Company Culture?

A positive workplace culture can reap many benefits for your organization, including increased:

How To Create A Positive Working Environment (10 Steps)

1. Establish Company Values

The first step in creating a positive work environment is to determine your company’s mission and values and incorporate these into everything your company does. Company values, when embraced by company leadership, can lay the foundation of your company and guide your organization to success.

Pro Tip: When establishing company values, think about what’s important to your company and its people. Innovation? Sustainability? What values will drive your company on its mission, and which ones will your employees rally around?

2. Foster Communication And Collaboration

Encouraging open and honest communication is vital to creating a positive workplace. Encourage your employees to get to know one another and form relationships by hosting team lunches and other workplace events.

Not only do workplace relationships lead to better collaboration, they also lead to increased retention and workplace satisfaction according to a recent Gallup poll.

3. Be Flexible

Employees shouldn’t fear repercussions for taking time off to manage responsibilities outside of work. Offering the flexibility to work remotely and around their lifestyle can create a better work-life balance and improve morale.

Flexibility can also attract more candidates to your organization, as more and more job seekers are prioritizing flexibility in their job searches.

4. Promote Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion

Create a positive work culture by building diversity, equity, and inclusion into the very bones of your business. Promote diversity and inclusion through the following practices:

5. Provide Growth Opportunities

Provide your employees with the tools and resources they need to learn and develop. Consider establishing regular checkpoints to ensure you and your employees are on the same page about their trajectory and how they can continue to grow within the organization.

You can also offer growth opportunities through more casual events like lunch & learns or workshops.

6. Lead With Compassion

Empathy is a must in today’s workplace. Empathetic leaders and managers listen to their staff and support them through challenging times. This makes employees feel seen and heard, and as that sense of appreciation grows, company loyalty does too.

7. Acknowledge Great Work

Recognizing and rewarding your employees for their achievements can make them feel valued and appreciated. Employees who receive recognition for their efforts often feel more motivated and engaged. It can also help to foster a work culture of friendly competition which can lead to increased performance.

While a simple ‘great job’ or ‘well done’ can be enough, here are a few other ways to recognize hard work:

8. Be Transparent

Engaged employees immerse themselves into your company, and they deserve clear and transparent communication. Being open and honest about the company’s performance and key decisions can help you gain their trust and make them feel like a part of the team.

Consider giving weekly or monthly updates through internal newsletters or company meetings.

9. Set Clear Goals

Ensure employees understand what is expected of them by clearly communicating individual company and department goals. Goal setting can give employees a sense of purpose and something to work towards. They can also help you to monitor and track performance.

10. Embrace Employee Feedback

Gathering regular feedback from your employees can help you identify and resolve any issues within your company. It also allows employees to be seen and heard, which can give them a sense of value within the workplace.

Get the Definitive Guide to Company Culture

A vibrant company culture which supports and nurtures employees—and helps your organization achieve its goals. Created by BambooHR experts, our guide offers a step-by-step plan for leveling up your company culture.

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