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Build a Healthy Conflict Culture
Leadership Liane Davey Nov 14, 2019
Healthy conflict is required in almost every aspect of organizational life. From making tough strategic trade-offs, to managing teams of clashing personalities, there is a constant stream of issues to be tackled and resolved. But building an organizational culture that embraces healthy conflict is easier said than done. On the one hand, you can’t let a need to address issues directly become an excuse for brutal honesty or bullying. On the other hand, you can’t let a fear of conflict contribute to conflict avoidance or worse, passive-aggressiveness. You need something in between: a culture that views conflict as inevitable and addresses issues early, before they stall productivity or create drama. Unfortunately, building skills hasn’t been enough. Despite investing in training to help people handle the “hard conversations,” they still can’t (or won’t) have the difficult conversations without you. You’re looking for a way to turn productive conflict into a healthy habit, so that your team can broach the challenging issues and get through them without derailing. In this webinar, you will gain tools and techniques to help your teams grow up, get along, and get stuff done so you can enhance productivity, restore trust, and bring the stress-levels down for everyone.
Presenter Liane Davey
About Liane Davey
Dr. Liane Davey is the New York Times Bestselling author of You First, Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done. She is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review and is quoted as an organizational psychology expert in many publications. As the co-founder of 3COze Inc., she advises on business strategy and executive team effectiveness, and she has worked with executives at companies such as Amazon, Walmart, Aviva, TD Bank, 3M, and SONY PlayStation. Liane has a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and her new book, The Good Fight: Use Productive Conflict to Get Your Team and Your Organization Back on Track was released in March.
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