HR Virtual Summit Archives leaf image
Co-Designing the Employee Experience
Employee Engagement Steven Chaparro Nov 14, 2019
This presentation describes how the complexity of the business, economic, and social climates require a new way of approaching HR and the employee experience. It describes how the old ways of hierarchical, command-and-control, and top-down cultures will need to give way to a new focus on culture becoming the highest competitive advantage and the employee experience as a true and powerful expression of the brand experience. The best way to design and develop the employee experience is not by delegation to internal or external experts. Co-Design is part of the Future of HR as it harnesses, empower and deploys the collective genius of all stakeholder including employees, management, leadership, and customers. When principles and methods of Co-Design are employed, there is a higher degree of innovation, engagement, and even performance.
Presenter Steven Chaparro
About Steven Chaparro
Steven is a keynote speaker, culture design strategist, and facilitator whose passion is to help creative organizations transform workplace culture through co-creative design. He currently serves as Principal of Studio META, a culture design studio, and partners as a facilitator with Duarte Design and the DesignThinkers Group USA. His passionate speaking style of storytelling and humor gives audiences a clear picture of how and why to transform the way they work.
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