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The Good Fight: Productive conflict in day-to-day business.
Strategic HR Liane Davey Nov 08, 2018
Business today is more competitive than ever. Getting ahead and staying ahead requires difficult tradeoffs. As HR professionals, we are often caught in the middle. We’re under pressure to balance what our organizations need to grow, stay competitive, and be profitable with what our employees need to be engaged and perform at their best. Unfortunately, one of the things our organizations require to thrive – productive conflict –creates considerable stress for our people. Productive conflict is needed in many aspects of day-to-day business. Setting strategy forces difficult trade-offs across departments, driving execution requires relentless prioritization, and creating accountability relies on uncomfortable feedback and consequences. As HR leaders, you know all too well the impact of conflict in your organization. Even though you’ve gone to great lengths to help teams get along and work together more effectively, dealing with the drama feels like a never-ending game of “Whack a Mole” - one you can never get in front of. And, despite investing in training to provide the skills your people need to handle the “hard conversations” and address challenges productively, they still can’t seem to broach the conflicts that are needed to drive growth, control expenses, and mitigate risk. The result is organizations that are stalled out and employees who are stressed out. You want a way to get ahead of the dysfunction and create an environment that fosters productive conflict. You need a solution that goes beyond the individual skills training and creates a proactive and systematic approach you can use across the organization.
Presenter Liane Davey
About Liane Davey
Dr. Liane Davey is the New York Times Bestselling author of You First, Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done. She is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review and is quoted as an organizational psychology expert in many publications. As the co-founder of 3COze Inc., she advises on business strategy and executive team effectiveness, and she has worked with executives at companies such as Amazon, Walmart, Aviva, TD Bank, 3M, and SONY PlayStation. Liane has a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and her new book, The Good Fight: Use Productive Conflict to Get Your Team and Your Organization Back on Track was released in March.
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